I post at SearchCommander.com now, and this post was published 17 years 9 months ago. This industry changes FAST, so blindly following the advice here *may not* be a good idea! If you're at all unsure, feel free to hit me up on Twitter and ask.
This past week has been a huge investment in time for me, joining and learning everything I could about various Web 2.0 communities. I have several clients that will really benefit from participation in these communities, and I can’t coach very well if I’ve never played the game, can i?
I first joined Technorati in 2005, and after a Pubcon conference in 2006, I got Digg and del.icio.us accounts. Since then, I’ve submitted a few articles here and there at Digg and de.licio.us, but beyond that, I’ve admittedly been a pretty slow adopter to the world of social networking.
There are social bookmarking sites that are great for building inbound links, and there are news and article sites that help generate traffic, and they all have communities that are growing all the time.
For me to ignore these Web 2.0 in my effort to drive traffic and links for clients would practically be malpractice, and I think I have a pretty good handle on things now. It’s been quite an educational few days, let me tell ya!
Even though all the pundits have been saying that Web 2.0 is the way of the future, and social media is where everything is happening now, I’ve had other priorities, and I’ve assumed that it was just not that important compared to search engine traffic.
A couple of months ago I joined Facebook, after a friend of mine put his wedding pictures up there, and ended up poking around in their for a while, finding it to be pretty good.
I’ve been using Mybloglog quite a bit, and making sure to comment here and there on people’s profiles that stop by my own blog.
At Danny Sullivan’s Advanced SMX in Seattle last month, I talked to one person after another that was singing the praises of various social networks, social bookmarking, this widget, that widget, and whatever might be coming next.
I even talked to someone who had literally dozens of different logins for many of these services, and paid employees to generate “buzz” for certain clients in certain industries. While that may go against the spirit of these services, there is no denying that the increased traffic leads to increased sales, and ultimately increase profit for the customer.
Last week, the board of SEMpdx was discussing ways to promote an upcoming networking event at Paddys bar downtown. After joining the Portland group of the Facebook, Todd Mintz noticed that there were over 33,000 members in the Portland Facebook group.
That number to me is staggering! I would’ve thought there may be only a few hundred, or even a thousand, but 33,000 members in Portland? Clearly, there’s a ship sailing away here, and I’m not on it!
After that, I spent about an hour joining every one of these social bookmarking groups:
Backflip, Bibsonomy, Blinklist, Blue Dot, de.lirio.us, Diigo, Furl, Jots, Linkroll , Looklater,
Ma.gnolia, Markaboo, Rawsugar, Shadows, Simpy, Spurl , and Wink
Then I made sure that I was a member at most of the other important sites, (some of which I had actually joined quite a while ago but forgot about altogether)
The complete list that I’ve joined is:
Netscape , Newsvine , Plime , Reddit , Stumble Upon , Shoutwire , Tailrank, Squidoo and
PlugIMM .
It sounds like a lot of time, but joining the services took me a total of maybe 90 minutes altogether. What took a lot of time, and continues to, is the endless poking around, and reading of others’ material.
I’m trying to do this with a totally “white hat” mentality, and you really have to, because these sites police themselves, and if they find that you are engaging in shameless self-promotion, and do not participate in their community, and vote on the sites of others, they will bounce you out of the system.
So I’m spending the first week or two getting acclimated to each of the services, and figuring out what they will allow, and what they won’t, and I’ll be reporting back soon.
Until then, happy tagging…
As usual, being ever so considerate, I’ve made it very easy for you to try out many of these services for yourself.
All you have to do is click on the “Bookmark” button below, (or on the right side of my blog), and you will instantly be transported to whichever service you would like to try.
In fact, I think you should bookmark me at all of them, just to see which ones you like the best. 😉
Damn Scott you have all the cool widgets man. I DIGG that PLUG addin and I also like your MouseOver Bookmark for Feeds. Where did you get those mods? Thanks.
Plug IM is an Internet marketing community that allows you to submit articles, share content, etc., and vote for content with a one click, like Stumble Upon, etc.
The cool thing about Plug IM is that it’completely devoted to Internet marketing and affiliate marketing, etc.
The mod that puts in the button in the post is actually, plug-in widget for WordPress that you can get here.
The mouse over bookmark is called “add this”, which I’ve decided to use to replace Sociable.
Sociable is REALLY great, but its time has run its course, IMO.
With so many different people wanting so many different services, this seemed like a better option than having all those icons spread across the post.
You can get Add This here.
Scott, nice post and keep poking around…it is endless but it’s also invaluable!!
We’ve been working on this type of thing as well, and it’s about time I finished doing profiles etc at all these sites as well.
Anyhow – I thought you might find this article from MarketingExperiments and the results from their SMO vs PPC experiment really interesting: http://www.marketingexperiments.com/ppc-seo-optimization/social-media-optimized.html
That’s a really good article Ben, thank you, and I’ve joined the Marketing Experiments newsletter as well. It looks like a great resource…
Scott – link to a study with Social Networking sites ranked…