I post at SearchCommander.com now, and this post was published 18 years 8 months 6 days ago. This industry changes FAST, so blindly following the advice here *may not* be a good idea! If you're at all unsure, feel free to hit me up on Twitter and ask.
Is that really any more newsworthy than a warning against accepting candy from strangers?
Syndicated columnist Cathereine Saillant wrote an article about My Space recently that simply has got to be read by every parent. This is what your kids may be doing, both with, and without your permission! Although I know full well the potential that My Space holds, this first hand account is absolutely chilling. Read the entire article here*
*note – link went bad – PDF is located here
I just read that article last night, and it just made me even more curious about My Space and the sensation it has become. I vaguely know what it is, and have seen others’ MySpace sites, but I really want to understand what it is. After all, as an internet consultant with two tech savvy kids, don’t I have a certain responsibility?
So, I went to My Space, and have now begun my process of investigation. I’ve decided to document my findings for parents in short, concise, and easy to understand My Space video tutorials for parents.
So far I’ve posted two videos there, and intend to log into Myspace at least once a week to see what it brings MyWay.
I tried to go to the link for the article by Cathereine Saillant but it’s no longer a workable link. Can you make the article available some other way? Thanks.
Link is now fixed in the above post… great article…