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Are You Sick of Spam?

Spam is at an all time high, and there’s simply no stopping it. Oh yeah? Check this out… I’m an affiliate for SpamArrest, and to this day, have never found a solution that I like better for up to 5 email addresses. The price is right, and it REALLY...

Paying for email sent

You might have heard on the news that AOL and MSN are considering charging businesses for each email they send. Well that’s simply not true, and Here’s the full details of what’s going to be happenning… Basically it says that they may soon be...

Spam reported from our mail server

I got a text message saying Spamcop got a report that our mail server IP address was sending spam. After checking my mail 1/2 hour later, I determined that it was a flook, and surely Spamcop wouldn’t blacklist me. so I sat down and banged out about 4 email...