closeLook how old this is!
I post at now, and this post was published 13 years 2 months 10 days ago. This industry changes FAST, so blindly following the advice here *may not* be a good idea! If you're at all unsure, feel free to hit me up on Twitter and ask.

I’m happy to announce that I’m running my own Meetup groups for 2012, and my first event has now been scheduled for January 19th, at the Convention Center Red Lion Inn.


Over the past few years, I’ve spoken on more panels and given more presentations than I can count. I’ve presented to multiple private groups and businesses, as well as at various search marketing conferences. Some have been national, some local, and I’ve instructed some weekend college classes for PCC.

However, I’ve always presented as a part of a larger show, school or group, and when doing go, have always felt like I had a certain responsibility, and that I couldn’t always say anything that came to my mind.

Everyone knows that the fastest way to burn down an effective tactic is to talk about it at conference session, where everyone is Tweeting, blogging and repeating whatever they hear.  That’s why the best and most helpful information you can get is  usually found in the hallways, lunch tables, and after hours in the bars.

I’ve attended several very exclusive events, where we’re asked not to socially share, and I’ve always wanted to do my own event of that sort. To have some “no holds barrred” sessions about any subject I want, without any fear or repercussions or reprisal for what’s being said.

So, effective immediately, throughout this year, I will be conducting two Portland internet marketing Meetup groups, one focused on information for beginner and business owners, and focused on more advanced needs.

New Rules for SEO in 2012 – What Works and What Doesn’t
  • When: Thursday January 19th, 2012 – 5:30pm – 7:30pm
  • Where: Convention Center Red Lion
  • Who: Intermediate to Advanced  – (Not for Beginners)
  • What: New Rules of SEO for 2012 – What Works and What Doesn’t
  • Register

Over the years, we’ve seen localization and personalization drastically alter the appearance of a SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

Looking at a results page today bears very little resemblance to what a page looked like three years ago, yet most of us still perform SEO in the same old fashion (i.e. add content, build links, and repeat) and in many cases, that still works fine. Mark my words though, those days are numbered.

Over this past year, beginning in the spring, Google did it again, factoring in more new ranking signals than ever, with multiple algorithm changes. The most notorious was first called the “Farmer Update” (because it affected mostly content farms), and it ultimately has become known as “Panda”, with updates all year long roughly every five weeks.

The rules have changed dramatically, and at this meetup we’ll be discussing some of those changes that ARE documented facts, and I’ll also be theorizing on what’s to come.

There will be a good amount of material presented, but unlike most presentations this will be interactive, with input from attendees encouraged for both questions AND answers.

Leaked Google Guidelines

For documentation of some of the changes, (as well as backing up some of my theories), we’ll review the “leaked” Google Quality Rater Guidelines that came out recently.

Note that at Googles request, nearly everyone that has posted a copy of these guidelines was asked to take them down, so I can’t put a link to the guidelines here, but I WILL provide a copy for everyone in  attendance.

Register for the January 19th event here

If you’re so inclined, you can also join the notification list for either or both of the two internet marketing groups at

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