I post at SearchCommander.com now, and this post was published 12 years 11 months 19 days ago. This industry changes FAST, so blindly following the advice here *may not* be a good idea! If you're at all unsure, feel free to hit me up on Twitter and ask.
This coming Thursday March 29th, I’m giving an advanced internet marketing presentation to a Meetup Group at the Portland Convention Center Red lion Inn. The program starts at 5:30 and goes until 7:30, and preregistration is required here.
The tile of the presentation is “The Truth About Backlinks”, and with all that’s happened at Google in the last couple of weeks, I’ve now added even more slides over the weekend.
Google has long been cracking down on what they consider to be “spamming” but just over the past 30 days they’ve deindexed thousands and thousands of websites.
Just yesterday in fact, someone I’ve known and respected for 8 years now says he had 26 websites de-indexed from Google Sunday, including one that was a PageRank 7!
The topics I’m going to cover include some of what I talked about at SearchFest, but special attention will be paid to what I didn’t get to talk about because I ran out of time, including specific URL’s and examples.
While I scheduled the event for two hours total including the Q&A time, there’s a possibility that I could drone on for up to 90 minutes or more, so there will be a break in the middle of my presentation.
Even if we hit the two hour mark I’ll stay as late as anyone wants, because I want to make sure that I cover the information I’ve added about some of the blog networks that are getting deindexed, and I’ll talk about spinning in a way that you’ve probably not heard before.
We’ll have some deli sandwiches, some beers, and some hard cold facts and observations about what’s not working anymore, what’s still working, and some educated guesses about how long some of these things will continue to work.
Neither audio or video will be recorded for this session, and I’ll be asking attendees not to publicize what they learn, so I hope you can make it!