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Has Yahoo Discontinued the Overture Keyword Tool?

Sure it was of little real value anyway, but still easy for the layperson to use. Has Yahoo finally discontinued the Overture Keyword tool completely? Accoding to DM News, and others, the tool has been dying a slow death for a while, and that’s true, but now I...

Header Tag Tips

Possibly the single most important element for determining the “theme” of a web page, the header tag seems to be often overlooked completely by people new to SEO. So, I’ve added another article to my SEO-101 section. It’s called “Header...

ALT Tags Still Mattter

On my list of “Top Ten SEO Factors” I’ve never removed ALT tags, because I’ve seen evidence that they were still a determining factor in rankings. Many experts have been saying for a couple of years now that “ALT tags don’t matter...