by Scott | Oct 21, 2005 | Search Engines
Here’s another one for search geeks only… Although various search engine experts debate the value of Google Page Rank, there’s no denying that it’s a matter of pride and importance to many people. I’ve been known t oobsess over it myself...
by Scott | Oct 18, 2005 | Search Engines
Marketing your website anywhere in the world consists of many factors. Search engine marketing implies spending money directly on advertising, but there’s a lot more to a successful search engine campaign than just buying some PPC ads. I get asked to review...
by Scott | Oct 14, 2005 | Search Engines
This used to be a good source of Google rumors. I wonder what happened to it? Google News Blog – Google Web News Now there’s so much unreliable garbage out there, it’s hard to know what to believe. Well Web Pro News one very reliable site for facts...
by Scott | Oct 9, 2005 | Computers - How to, Search Engines, Web Design
I’ve written a new article to serve as a primer for business owners to figure out the value of their website, and analyze what they spend to get visitors to their website. Any business that has a website shoud find it useful, whether you get 10 visitors a day or...
by Scott | Oct 8, 2005 | Search Engines
What a great product this is below. It generates a new Google sitemap for every new blog entry, and pings Google with the change. not bad for someone just graduating High school! Congratulations Arnie Home of Arne Brachhold » Google Sitemap Generator for WordPress v2...
by Scott | Oct 5, 2005 | Search Engines, Web Design
The Google sitemap program may still be in beta, but it’s 100% effective, for them and for you, the owner of a website that wants to be found. You can easily get your entire site regularly crawled by the most powerful search engine the world, that is probably...