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Google Page Rank for MSN

Here’s another one for search geeks only… Although various search engine experts debate the value of Google Page Rank, there’s no denying that it’s a matter of pride and importance to many people. I’ve been known t oobsess over it myself...

Search Engine Marketing, in Portland Oregon

Marketing your website anywhere in the world consists of many factors. Search engine marketing implies spending money directly on advertising, but there’s a lot more to a successful search engine campaign than just buying some PPC ads. I get asked to review...

Google News Blog – Google Web News

This used to be a good source of Google rumors. I wonder what happened to it? Google News Blog – Google Web News Now there’s so much unreliable garbage out there, it’s hard to know what to believe. Well Web Pro News one very reliable site for facts...

Google Sitemap for WordPress

What a great product this is below. It generates a new Google sitemap for every new blog entry, and pings Google with the change. not bad for someone just graduating High school! Congratulations Arnie Home of Arne Brachhold » Google Sitemap Generator for WordPress v2...