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RSS Newsfeeds for dummies

Do you know how to use RSS news feeds? I’m not talking about how to add them to your website. I’m just talking about how to make use of RSS newsfeeds in general. What are RSS newsfeeds? Do you know how you might use them? Many newer or less experienced...

Portland networking job

The computer networks I repair in Portland are mainly peer to peer, without a true “server”. Now, one of my long time customers has outgrown me. Starting with only four computers, Peterson Law Offices has grown to 17 users, and they have been functioning...

New Spyware worm

There ia a new spyware worm called P2Load.A that actually makes a copy of the Google website, and when you try to go to Google, you are redirected to an exact replica of Google, showing search that show only advertising. Pretty clever huh? Read the full story here The...

Computer and Internet consultant rankings

As an internet consultant based in Oregon specializing in search engine marketing, it’s only natural that I come up highly ranked for those terms. I’m number 1 and 2 on Google for oregon internet consultant, and number 2 and 3 for oregon computer...

Treo 650 reboots when I address e-mail

I’m about to get ANOTHER replacement treo. This one reboots every time I press a letter key to forward an e-mail or address a new one. what a weird pain in the neck. I can reply just fine, but if I try to forward, and manually enter the address, forget it...

Who’s going to buy AOL?

I read a blog here that was talking about MSN buying AOL, among other things. It made me realize how fast things can change in this industry! This week, it was reported that Microsoft and Time Warner are in talks about some sort of buyout. That makes sense, because it...

What are they really looking for?

If you manage a website and are trying to get visitors through organinc SERPS, then it may seem like a constant battle between what the search engines want, and what your customers actually want. But actually, these two aren’t so different, and they don’t...

Mega Life and Health – Ron Jensen dies

The Dallas News is reporting that UICI chairman Ronald Jensen was killed in an auto accident last week. (this post was written way on on Thursday, September 15th, 2005) Mr. Jensen made a fortune (and his company still does) steering tens of thousands of innocent...

Spyware in the news

Today is the day that KGW TV is coming to my home office to film a story about Spyware to be aired in the fall. I’ll update this post after they’ve gone. Now that spyware is a multi-billion dollar industry, it’s gaining national attention in a big...