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Stop all your Spam

I got an email this morning telling me that Winpatrol was not helping with their Spam, and they were still getting a lot. I explained that Winpatrol is not for spam, but did refer them to Spam Arrest. Spam Arrest will stop 100% of your spam, guaranteed, for up to 5...

Blog design Portland, Oregon

Blogs have become critical for search engine visibility in competitive markets. Besides that, they provide a great way of sharing information, comunicating with customers, and generally keeping your website content fresh. We’re now offering blog design to go...

How to email tech support…

Almost 5 years ago, I wrote an article called “How to call tech support”, and I still think it’s relevant. However, there’s one thing I left out. If I were writing it today, I would add a section about email communication. So…I’ve...

Tivo and Yahoo are teaming up!

Almost ten years ago, I remember talking with my friend Brad about how TV and the internet will be mergred one day, and almost indistiguishable from each other. According to this article at SearchEngineJournal, the New York Times is reporting that we’re moving a...