by Scott | Feb 4, 2006 | Education, SEO, SEO-101
Wednesday October 10th is the next chance to have your website reviewed live by a panel of search marketing experts here in Portland, Oregon. The event is sponsored by SEMpdx, and panelists will include five experts: John McPhee – Anvil Media staff Stan Davis...
by Scott | Feb 4, 2006 | SEO
This week I booked my tickets to the Webmaster World PubCon in Boston on April 18,19 and 20th. The last one that I went to in Las Vegas was great, but because of the nature of Las Vegas, everyone was spread out in different hotels, and there were no late night...
by Scott | Feb 3, 2006 | Spam prevention
I got a text message saying Spamcop got a report that our mail server IP address was sending spam. After checking my mail 1/2 hour later, I determined that it was a flook, and surely Spamcop wouldn’t blacklist me. so I sat down and banged out about 4 email...
by Scott | Feb 3, 2006 | Web Hosting
I got a text message saying Spamcop got a report that our mail server IP address was sending spam. After checking my mail 1/2 hour later, I determined that it was a flook, and surely Spamcop wouldn’t blacklist me. So I sat down and banged out about 4 email...
by Scott | Feb 1, 2006 | Computers - How to
The Oregonian is reporting today that a lawsuit is pending over the theft of 365,000 patient records. Besides being a major HIPAA problem, this is just gross negligence, and now they’ll pay for it financially. here’s the article Are your backups safe from...
by Scott | Jan 29, 2006 | Search Engines, SEO
If you advertise a business online, then you should really take a look at Microsoft’s Advertising Center as a way to get a jump on your competition. Everything from Hotmail banners to email marketing is covered there, and it’s a good place to get educated...
by Scott | Jan 27, 2006 | General interest
Every once in a while I have to post about something totally unrelated to computers, search engines, or the internet, and this is definitely one of those times… Remember the game called Quarters, where you had to bounce a coin into a glass? Watch this! Quarters...
by Scott | Jan 26, 2006 | General interest
Today I’m leaving for Seattle to do a HIPAA physical security risk assessment for a medical software company. They found me online, and try as I might, I could not convince them that hiring me was not necessary. They aparently have a big budget, and more t olose...
by Scott | Jan 24, 2006 | Cell Phones & PDA's, General interest
I was lucky enough to just spend 10 full days in Puerto Vallarta. Sorry I didn’t write… However, now that I’m back and well rested, I thought I’d share some travel tips… Call your cellular company before you leave to get on a “no...
by Scott | Jan 11, 2006 | SEO
Do you manage your own Google Adwords account? If so, here’s good news… For those that didn’t make it into the early round of Google Analytics last November, it looks like they have opened it up again. If you’re not already on the wating list,...
by Scott | Jan 10, 2006 | Search Engines, SEO
Did you ever wonder what pages of your website get “indexed” or “spidered” by a search engine? Improper design can make some of your pages invisible to the search engines. John Alexander, of Search Engine Workshops brought this Search Engine...
by Scott | Jan 10, 2006 | Web Design
I’ve noticed that more and more companies are using blogs as their website, as opposed to adding a blog TOO their website. This gives the owners total control over what’s said, and the freedom to update whenever they want, from any computer, with no web...