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Winning the Search Engine War

If you’re a long time website owner with a neighborhood brick and mortar business, there was probably little or no competition for your “niche” in your neighborhood when you built it. In those days, your website may have gotten all the traffic you...

Local fundraiser – Please attend

The owners of Beale Street NW, Bob and Marge, were instrumental in putting on the Katrina relief blues fest that raised over $400,000.00 for the victums of that disaster. Now, after suffering for two months in the hospital with throat cancer, Bob is back at home on...

Results Based SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

I meet people all the time who don’t have big budgets, yet they have great ideas, and huge potential.  Last year, I started partnering with some of them as an affiliate, for a percentage of the sales / profits / pay per visitor / leads  / profits, or whatever...

Search Engine Watch Forum in Seattle

Everyone for in the Northwest that’s really interested in the Search Engines will be in Seattle next Friday for the SEW forum. Unlike the usual SEW $1800 three day gatherings, this will be a quick half day rundown, staring with (I’m guessing) some strong...