by Scott | Jun 29, 2006 | Web Design
You have to look at your website from a customer standpoint, and make every page have the same identical buttons, all located in the same place etc. That’s important, because people will decide in less than 1/4 of a second if they’ll stay on your site or...
by Scott | Jun 29, 2006 | Spyware, Technology News, Viruses and Scams
Ransomware is a new term for spyware that actually extorts money from you, and it’s sweeping the world like wildfire. In a nutshell, imagine you wake up one day to find that all of your files have been encrypted on your computer. That’s right, you’re...
by Scott | Jun 21, 2006 | Kids issues
Right now, I’m looking for tips on limiting my 9 and 5 year old boys’ electronic entertainment time. So far, the right answer seems to be combining TV, video games, and internet into one lump time segment per day, but I’m open to other ideas. ...
by Scott | Jun 20, 2006 | Search Engines, SEO-101
If you’re a long time website owner with a neighborhood brick and mortar business, there was probably little or no competition for your “niche” in your neighborhood when you built it. In those days, your website may have gotten all the traffic you...
by Scott | Jun 19, 2006 | General interest, Local news
The owners of Beale Street NW, Bob and Marge, were instrumental in putting on the Katrina relief blues fest that raised over $400,000.00 for the victums of that disaster. Now, after suffering for two months in the hospital with throat cancer, Bob is back at home on...
by Scott | Jun 14, 2006 | Local news, Spyware, Viruses and Scams
Yesterday, it was reported that… “Oregon Department of Revenue officials thought they were tightly secured against data theft. ” Then they went on to say that “an employee from using an office computer to surf porn sites and download a Trojan...
by Scott | Jun 13, 2006 | Cell Phones & PDA's, Technology News
It was reported today on Good Morning America (or some morning show) that there is a new ringtone for cellular phones that are inaudible to adults. The ramifications for this during school classes and elsewhere will likely be pretty widespread. While I find the...
by Scott | May 26, 2006 | Search Engines, SEO
How many people are looking for you online? Whether you’re selling globally, or just in your neighborhood, what are people looking for, and how often are they looking for it? If you’ve been considering expanding your internet marketing budget, how can you...
by Scott | May 24, 2006 | Spyware, Viruses and Scams
Viruses used to be just like graffiti, designed to satisfy only an egotistical itch, but now they can make the creators money. Someone’s created a virus that takes peoples over computers, then goes out one the web, and clicks on ads that make website owners...
by Scott | May 19, 2006 | SEO, SEO-101
I meet people all the time who don’t have big budgets, yet they have great ideas, and huge potential. Last year, I started partnering with some of them as an affiliate, for a percentage of the sales / profits / pay per visitor / leads / profits, or whatever...
by Scott | May 17, 2006 | Search Engines, SEO
Everyone for in the Northwest that’s really interested in the Search Engines will be in Seattle next Friday for the SEW forum. Unlike the usual SEW $1800 three day gatherings, this will be a quick half day rundown, staring with (I’m guessing) some strong...
by Scott | May 14, 2006 | Search Engines, SEO, Technology News
For many websites, this past week was a rough one on Google. I’ve personally seen complete websites disappear and reappear from the results. I’ve seen some titles and descriptions appear differently in the listings than they are on the page. My own site...