by Scott | Aug 31, 2006 | Search Engines, SEO, SEO-101
This is one of the best articles I’ve read in a long time on link building… The author spells it out quite clearly, and summarizes the subject very well. If you need links (and you do, or you wouldn’t be reading this) it’s a must read that...
by Scott | Aug 31, 2006 | Google, SEO
If you search Google for “” you’re supposed to come up with the number of pages in Google’s index for a given domain. For the past few months, these results have varied wildly, depending on the Google data center...
by Scott | Aug 31, 2006 | General interest
It’s not often that I forward email jokes, and even less frequently that I’ve found something worth blogging about. In fact, as far as I remember, of all the forwarded emails and jokes I get, only the “Amazing Quarters” video ever made it to...
by Scott | Aug 29, 2006 | SEO-101
I’ve written a few tips for writing a proper title tag that are basically common sense, but it never hurts to read a refresher. Read Title Tag Tips when you get a few moments. It’s short, and just might help! By the way, I’ve started placing all of...
by Scott | Aug 23, 2006 | Computers - How to, General interest, Google
This morning I gave the “two minute tip” at the east Portland chamber of commerce meeting, and I provided the following handout with a short presentation. a few of the members knew Google “did other stuff” but were surprised that there was so...
by Scott | Aug 21, 2006 | SEO, Viruses and Scams
When I saw the title of an SEOmoz blog post in my feedreader, I tried to make it the first story of the day. When I clicked to read it however, the article was gone. Hoping to read the cached copy, I searched on Google, but the text was not found. Still, I was able to...
by Scott | Aug 18, 2006 | General interest
Does anyone know of a good computer repair place that does on site computer service and networking in Redmond or Bend Oregon? A Google search for “computer repair Bend” doesn’t even bring up any paid ads! Don’t people have computer problems in...
by Scott | Aug 18, 2006 | SEO
When my friend Steve Shank at Oregon Computer Solutions emailed me about an SEO toolbar he found from RankQuest, I admit I wasn’t that excited, because I thought I already had everything I needed, and knew where to find everything else I needed. However, it...
by Scott | Aug 14, 2006 | Computers - How to, General interest, Web Hosting
Why do I still get so many calls from people that have lost their domain names? Because business owners have businesses to run, and occasionally trust “little” things like domain registration to others. Some things are just too important to delegate. Read...
by Scott | Aug 9, 2006 | Google, SEO
The google reinclusion request location keeps changing, doesn’t it? Well it’s changed again…slightly. I wrote in June about the “new” reinclusion request location in Google sitmaps, after realizing that Matt Cutt’s instructions were...
by Scott | Aug 9, 2006 | Google
Last week I wrote that My Space and Google seemed to have a cozy relationship via Google video, and I wondered aloud “what’s coming next?” Well, now we know, as this week it just got even cozier by $900 million I just read that Google had agreed to...
by Scott | Aug 7, 2006 | Google
Google hardware coming soon? Digitimes Telecom reported over the weekend that: Alpha Networks of Taiwan is set to release a Wi-Fi phone equipped with Google Talk. You would, of course, be able to have conversations on this phone. Google Talk, the chat program offered...