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Is Roseytra Right for You?

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Portland Advertising Federation. On November 16th, all the major local advertising talent will be on hand at this year’s Rosey Awards, celebrating the best campaigns of the year. Local band Dirty Martini will...

An Hour and 5 Minutes…

That’s how long nearly 70 Portland web hosting servers were down this afternoon, and 5 of those web servers were mine. I had 170 affected customer domains, and what felt like that many phone calls! Ugh. Talk about frustrating! The problem ended up being a. IP...

RAID Hard Drive Arrays Made Simple

Someone sent me this illustrated RAID example that I just had to share… 😉 The RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) defintions below are from WikiPedia, and they’re pretty good… There are number of different RAID levels: Level 0 — Striped...

A New PC for Me – Eventually

After hearing the Intel representative speak at the OCCA meeting in August, I finally shelled out the money and got an Intel Core 2 Duo PC, with a 250 gig Sata2 hard drive, and a Gig of RAM. Last Friday night I picked up the parts, (assembled and posting) and set out...

Reboot Without Rebooting?

You know how sometimes your computer gets all bogged down needs a reboot? I’m not talking about a spyware infested mess, I’m talking about a well maintained, virus free workstation, that just needs to be rebooted to “clear it’s throat”...