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Nichebot Keyword Research Rates Increasing

For someone in the SEO business, there are few things more important than reliable keyword research. Tools offered by Google and Yahoo are only so valuable, and that’s why I have an account at Wordtracker as well as Nichebot, which I’ve grown to rely on...

MSN Search is Better Than Google?

That’s the claim of someone that emailed me yesterday. After reading his email and subsequent replies to mine, I decided to post. Any thoughts? What’s your search engine of choice, and why? Here’s his original email – Dear Sir: I have been...

Why Does Mail Sent to AOL Bounce?

Search Commander hosting clients have noticed a problem sending to AOL email addreses this week. The problem? It doesn’t arrive! Why? As webhosts, we our hosting IP addresses from ARIN, the primary provider of IP addresses in the US and Canada. AOL, in all their...