by Scott | Feb 1, 2007 | Client projects, Local news, Technology News
I just made the blog live for SEMpdx, which is Portland’s first and finest search engine marketing group, for which I am a board member and sponsor. It’s running on a free WordPress theme that I customized a bit, and I think it looks pretty darn good, if I...
by Scott | Feb 1, 2007 | Google, Search Engines, SEO
Although Google Base has morphed from Froogle, and it’s still in Beta, Google is displaying results at this moment for real estate with a drop down box. I noticed it just now for “real estate Los Angeles”, and then trying a couple of other cities...
by Scott | Jan 31, 2007 | Microsoft
Thanks to a commenter on this blog, we now know there’s a workaround for this issue. Still, why would Microsoft not send us full versions? Now I can go buy a new hard drive, then do a clean install of Windows Vista from an upgrade disk
by Scott | Jan 31, 2007 | Computers - How to, General interest, Microsoft
I rarely reboot my PC and leave it run 24/7. It seems like whenever I can tell need a reboot, I’m too busy to take the time. I have 4 gigs of ram on a dual core Intel CPU, but I have literally dozens of tasks or windows open at any given time. This morning, my...
by Scott | Jan 30, 2007 | Microsoft, Technology News
I’ve been a Microsoft Action Pack subscriber for year, and usually had my software upgraded as soon as possible after release. As a computer consultant, I always had to rely on the latest software, and I’ve kept up my subscription for years. Finally,...
by Scott | Jan 30, 2007 | Computers - How to, General interest, Technology News
As a computer consultant, my clients often used to ask me what hardware to buy. Since I was in the PC business until 2003, I’ve always had good technical knowledge about what to buy. Now that I focus on search, i’m not as up to date on the latest hardware....
by Scott | Jan 30, 2007 | SEO, SEO-101
Sure it was of little real value anyway, but still easy for the layperson to use. Has Yahoo finally discontinued the Overture Keyword tool completely? Accoding to DM News, and others, the tool has been dying a slow death for a while, and that’s true, but now I...
by Scott | Jan 25, 2007 | Google, SEO, SEO-101, Social Networking, Spam prevention, Technology News, Viruses and Scams
Today I got notified by a hosting customer that his website had their content and design copied and reposted under another domain name hosted elsewhere. The copied domain is here – while the ORIGINAL design and content are here –...
by Scott | Jan 24, 2007 | Search Engines, SEO, SEO-101, Technology News
I first read the Guerrilla Marketing Handbook in 1997, and I read it in one “sitting”. I started the book while on a trip, in my hotel lobby before leaving for home, and I finished on the parking lot shuttle bus back in Portland. I really can’t think...
by Scott | Jan 23, 2007 | Local news, SEO-101, Technology News
I’m going to fill the speaker slot at next Tuesday’s Oregon Computer Consultants Association meeting, and I’ll likely hang around for questions indefinitely. Below, you’ll see the press release that I just* submitted at PR Web for just $10....
by Scott | Jan 21, 2007 | Computers - How to, Web Design
Upgrading WordPress is an important part of your security, yet many people put it off because it can be intimidating, even though they have step by step WordPress upgrade instructions. Well I’m here to tell you that it’s not that hard, and to prove it,...
by Scott | Jan 19, 2007 | Search Engines, SEO, SEO-101, Web Design
Possibly the single most important element for determining the “theme” of a web page, the header tag seems to be often overlooked completely by people new to SEO. So, I’ve added another article to my SEO-101 section. It’s called “Header...