I post at SearchCommander.com now, and this post was published 16 years 1 month 4 days ago. This industry changes FAST, so blindly following the advice here *may not* be a good idea! If you're at all unsure, feel free to hit me up on Twitter and ask.
Okay, catchy headline, I’m guilty. It won’t be the last, but may very well be the best you’ll ever see, if you look at it logically…
Regional conferences are showing up all over, dividing the time talent and energy of the conference speakers.
After the original SearchFest in 2005 did not return in 2006, SEMpdx was formed and revived the event for the following year.
In 2007, the volunteer board members of SEMpdx put together SearchFest at the Oregon zoo, and managed to fill a great batch of sessions, by speaking ourselves and leveraging our own Northwest relationships.
By any measure, (except perhaps financially) SearchFest 2007 was a huge success, got lots of national coverage in the search industry, and gained quite a bit of respect for Portland.
For SearchFest 2008, we had people requesting to speak, as well as more individual relationships ourselves, we were able to fill the entire day with world-class experts, and none of our board member was on a single panel other than as moderator.
For SearchFest 2009, we are following in the same tradition only this year is going to be the best ever, and in my opinion, may be better than next years? Why is that?
There are about 46 reasons why, starting with the fact that we have the godfather of search himself, Danny Sullivan, giving the keynote. Danny seldom speaks anywhere but his own SMX conference series, and for all we know he may never again.
Last year I asked Danny (half jokingly) if he would keynote our conference since he was moving back to the United States, and was thrilled when he agreed. This may be your only chance to see him in Portland.
In addition to our previous reputations, having Danny do the keynote made it even easier to accumulate our 45 other reasons – all of the SearchFest speakers, presenters and moderators.
This isn’t just some local conference. These are the BEST IN THE WORLD, and I’m honored, privileged and appreciative of each and flattered to hang in the company of these people
The fact that they are all spending their own time away from work and sharing as volunteers means a lot to the industry, and to the education of business owners, which is really what this is all about.
I personally go to quite a few, and just last week I paid half price – $2500 (as a returning attendee)- to an event where one of our SearchFest panelists was on the 5 person, 2 day panel.
Unless Matt Cutts himself agrees to the keynote next year, and eveyone else in the industry then begs to speak too, I think I can safely say that you’re never going to see a better line up here in Portland.
With two sessions for most of the day, it likely pays to get a second ticket for your webmaster or other key employee, and today is the last day to get advanced pricing
The discounted price ending today is $179 for members, $229 for Non-Members – register here
Finally, no matter when you register you can save a few more bucks with this coupon code