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I post at now, and this post was published 17 years 1 month 27 days ago. This industry changes FAST, so blindly following the advice here *may not* be a good idea! If you're at all unsure, feel free to hit me up on Twitter and ask.
No. This post is dangerously outdated

There is no single magic bullet for search engine visibility. However, there is a process that acts as an entire arsenal of magic bullets, and those are structure, content and links.

  • Search engine friendly structure and fundamentally sound SEO principals.
  • Fresh content appropriately added on a regular basis commensurate to the level of your competitions activity.
  • Inbound links from relevant sites with appropriate anchor text to targeted areas of your website appropriately balanced to the level of your competition.

Anything else that I can think of pretty much falls within those three bullets, and assuming you understand them all, I’ll proceed.

*Updated 12/31 – I’m sticking with the Linkvana test but I’m adding to the reader comment area below – Be sure to read them – Is Linkvana black hat, grey hat, white hat or what? I guess that’s going to be controversial, but I can assuredly say it “definitely aint squeaky clean”!

If you have a well optimized site structure, (like a properly configured WordPress site) that will take care of bullet number one, the structure..Content
Well-written content designed for the readers to provide some value is all it takes. Between your friends, your kids, your employees, ghostwriters, and even content spinners, that takes care of bullet two.

When it comes to inbound links, you already understand that above all else you need quantity, but you also need diversity, and you need quantity.

Quality Link Building
Quality link building is a skill unto itself, and for competitive phrases there is simply no substitute.

This is not the place to get into great detail, but it shouldn’t be news to you that some links are better than others. The best quality inbound links are ones that are relevant to your business, ones that come from domains and pages that have Google page rank, and have limited numbers of outbound links.

I’d rather have an inbound link from a related PR3 page with only five other outbound links, than a link on a PR7 page with a couple of hundred other links. I wish I could tell you I had a solution to get the most authoritative and relevant websites on the web to link to you but I don’t, and anyone who tells you that is lying.

Inbound Link Diversity
To add to your diversity, Web directories and article directories can be worked to death. Additionally, your own participation in blogs and social media will bring you incredible value, and you’re only limited by your available time in the day.

Perhaps you’ve purchased links from foreign countries, or you’ve tried some of the link networks that require that a script get added to your site to slowly build links through other participants sites over time.These may still be fine for affiliate sites, but you can’t risk having an important domain dropped from the index, and simply change domain names on the fly if one gets caught violating Google’s terms of service.

To add your diversity, you also may have found networks of blogs both small and large, perhaps through someone you know, or even a commercial service that allow you to post content on their blogs which are on a wide array of C class IP addresses, choosing your own link text.

This has proven to be one of the most effective methods of gathering links in volume, but can still require a Herculean effort on your part (i.e. work), and eventually, you’ll exhaust the supply of available domains, and you’re left with nothing but those 10, 20 or even 50 domains to build links to your sites.

Even More Diversity
If you’re lazy, or you’ve been in the game for a while, then perhaps you’ve used, or at least you understand, about things like content scrapers and trackback and comment spam.

While both used to work, (and perhaps still do to a point), they can really leave you with a bad taste in your mouth, and definitely constitute a big black hat.

Inbound Link Quantity
Unlike trying to rank for “Las Vegas real estate”, many second and third tier phrases still really don’t need a whole lot of effort to dominate the search rankings.

If you’re selling “decorative blue locking widgets” and have a well optimized page for them, then just a few inbound text links can rocket you to the top of the search engines, and that’s where Linkvana comes in.

Here are the steps to using Linkvana:

  • Add a new project
  • Add your domain
  • Choose your target URLs
  • Choose your anchor text
  • Make 100 word posts with those phrases
  • You’re off to the races…

The Linkvana network will then add your articles (posts) with your backlink to trickle in daily over time. It’s as close as you can get to a “set it and forget it” system.

They insist on quality original content, and limit the number of posts yoy can make each day PER DOMAIN. However, there’s no limit to the number of domains, and that’s huge.

They do offer about 40 minutes of video training on the site, and I’ve watched it all, boiling it down to a 3 1/2 minute demonstration , which I started immediately after creating a new project in their system – Linkvana Demo Video.

After a couple of weeks, I’ll follow up with the results too, as I’ve begun testing with multiple domains that currently have no backlinks, and no ranking of any kind. Some of my first links just went live yesterday, so have not yet been discovered by the search engines.

The only “downside” that I’ve encountered so far is that since it’s a closed network, there is no way of knowing where your post and links are going to end up.

However, that same fact is what prevents this network from being easily discoverable, and ultimately penalized somehow. I just don’t see it happening. I suppose it’s technically possible that someone could research all the backlinks manually as they trickle in, and then be able to determine what blogs are participating in this network, but that seems to me to be an incredible amount of work for such a small number of users (300), and highly unlikely.

There’s a certain amount of trust involved on my part too, that the links will really happen as they claim. However, the names that are involved with this venture and those of participants are well known, and I’m comfortable giving it a try.

Again, let me stress that this is NOT going to be a complete substitute for true authoritative link building, and enable you to instantly rank for the highest competition phrases.

However, in my opinion (*ed. – see latest comments below), when added to your arsenal, Linkvana is definitely going to be a big gun to use for ranking many of your medium and longer tail phrases in a snap, assuming all of your other bullets are in place too.

They’re currently running a $50 off promotion, but I don’t know how long that will be good, and they claim that the cutoff for membership is 300 people. I was number 188.

If you decide to check it out, I hope you’ll use my (of course) affliate link and leave me some feedback about how it goes.

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