I post at SearchCommander.com now, and this post was published 15 years 8 months 9 days ago. This industry changes FAST, so blindly following the advice here *may not* be a good idea! If you're at all unsure, feel free to hit me up on Twitter and ask.
“Universal Search” was implemented by Google quite a while ago, yet the only visible change to the search results has been occasional interspersing of some video or news.
Search was not really “revolutionized” or “changed as we knew it”, and most users have absorbed the subtle addition without even noticing.
Likewise, “personalization” has been assimilated into Googles search with only search industry professionals even noticing or caring.
Then, (what seems like ages ago), Google began implementing local results into the serps if the user searched with a geographic term, such as “dry cleaners Portland”, and just over a year ago changed from showing just three, to showing a full 10 local results.
Just a few weeks ago, Google began “determining your intent” to search locally even if you REALLY did not intend to. That means that a search for “dry cleaners” began showing the local maps results whether you wanted them to or not, and again, most end users really didn’t even notice.
This week another seismic shift took place, although in their usual fashion, Google is rolling it in very subtly, and the casual user may not even notice. They’ve added a “Show Options” link above your search results.
After hitting that link, there are a whole host of ways to filter the search results, and this is really a better implementation of “universal search”, in my opinion.
One of the new options would be of most interest to search marketers, called the Wonder Wheel, and this video takes a look at it more closely…
[flash http://pdxtc.com/vids/wonder-wheel-google/wonder-wheel-google.flv]
I tested the new Google options out on a very narrow search; “Bakes Binsters” which is the company of the guy who just built my chicken coop. He did not have his own site but was listed on an environmental convention site.
His wonder wheel showed other contributors/exhibitors at the show such as “Neil Kelley”. So I am thinking that the wonder wheel uses keywords it “sees” on web pages with that phrase; sort of like on Google Webmaster tools where it tells you what they see on your site and what they see on sites that link to you.
Haven’t really used the wonder wheel, to its full potential yet. Google does come up with the best innovations.
Such a shame that they ban ip for parsing the results (in about 3 mins at full speed, you’re dead), that could be an invaluable keyword source…
Of course, it’s not exportable, but you can always ocr the windows contents and such (ask a programmer, not that difficult)
Ya, I just luuuv google’s ninja changes, they are very useful most of the time and they don’t brag about them 🙂
Way off topic, sorry, but at least’s it’s about video. The website URL I submitted here is a link to MIME configuration for Theora video. If you haven’t implemented this on your servers, would you please consider doing so?
So are you saying that you tried using Theora video and it fails?
what server are you on? Can you submit this through your control panel as a support ticket? Would make it much more efficient…
The wonder wheel is quite interesting. But clearly these tools are for people who makes SEO etc. Normal person doesn’t really care about wonder wheels etc.