I post at SearchCommander.com now, and this post was published 16 years 10 months 14 days ago. This industry changes FAST, so blindly following the advice here *may not* be a good idea! If you're at all unsure, feel free to hit me up on Twitter and ask.
Pay per click campaigns can be somewhat tedious to set up, primarily because all the data that you get from the keyword research tools need to be reworked into a more useful list. My new keyword multiplier tool should make it a lot easier!
By that, I mean you need to consider every variation that might be possible, whether that be by city name or even a synonym for a certain service or occupation, and it always seems that many get overlooked.
For example, let’s say you ‘re doing a PPC campaign for plumber in the San Fernando valley, down in Southern California.
You’ve used all your different keyword research tools, and now you have dozens or even hundreds of primary key phrases, like Plumbing, Plumber, clogged drain, sink repair, unplug my toilet in, etc.
You know that there are an almost endless number of cities and towns that people are searching besides Los Angeles, like Woodland Hills, Tarzana, Encino, Calabasas, etc.
Manually putting that list together was a pain in the neck, and a couple of years ago while performing this tedious task, it crossed my mind that this job could likely be accomplished in an Excel spreadsheet.
Now I know nothing about writing macros, so the first person that crossed my mind, was Karen Westermann, the Excel Queen, and in a few short days, I had my tool. (Thanks, Karen!)
Fast forward to 2008, in a recent discussion with my best programmer about various projects, I asked her if she could turn the spreadsheet into a web application that would run inside a WordPress page.
Much to my delight, she said “sure, in a snap” so the keyword multiplier tool was born. I suppose it’s a little bit like keyword tumbler, but I think it’s far less complicated.
All you have to do is take one group, and put them on the left side, and another group on the right side, and press the button to combine your list. That’s it.
You can also use the tool more than once, which is something you might do for an attorney with more than one type of practice, or a contractor, with many different specialties and departments..
For example, on the left side you might phrases like pizza, chicken and tacos. In the second column, use delivery, restaurants, and reviews.
in column three, put cities, and you can even put in a fourth column, of state spellings, for example.
Here’s a quick 90 second video –
Try my keyword multiplier for yourself, and please tell me what you think!
Pretty neat, Scott! I am wondering if there is a way to expand on this and use Google’s API to stem for additional keywords based on the list that you mashed up? Just a thought 🙂
Thanks David, yeah, I figured this was sort of the last piece of the puzzle, since everyone has their own preferences and methods anyway for “digging”, whether Wordtracker, Keyword Universe, Nichebot (my fave), or whatever.
I didn’t want to try to reinvent the wheel, just make it easier to roll 😉
Thanks very much for having this tool created Scott, it’s a big time saver and much more usable than Keyword Tumbler. No need to overdevelop it 🙂
Integrating this tool into my workflow for a few minutes a day has been well worth it.
Thank you kinldly, Carol, for taking a moment to comment – 😉
I don’t think it is of much help. It just gives the various combinations of the two columns. Think there should be something more.
That’s all it’s supposed to do, Tim, although you’ve reminded me that I’d intended to add two more columns, and it’s now on my programmers list to fix.
Then you could have
“Red widgets Los Angeles California” in every possible variation
free. awesome. ppcwarehouse.com has a pretty neat keyword multipler too. although, its 29/month to use, i has the ability to save old list and dedup huge keyword lists to.
“Try my keyword multiplier for yourself, and please tell me what you think!”
Hello Scott, I wanted to try but got an error. (members only)Is not it free anymore?
As it says there, yes it’s still free, but you have to have at least a free account.
It’s evolving to quite a nice set of tools, so free membership is requested. that way, you can be aware of the premium, and even white label efficiency tools that we continue to develop.
Also, if you want it totally free, we’ve even turned the tools into a free plugin you can use on your own WordPress installation.
and have you ever used something different?
i mean tools like semrush for ex
i think it is pretty good…
Sure, I love that tool! This is a complement to it, allowing you to take all of the keywords discovered by SEMrush and then add city names and other variations, making the list larger…
for me it is great too 🙂
With the latest Google Caffeine update, you’ll absolutely need to mashup your keywords. I got nailed for coming out too quickly on a new site with a single trophy keyword for a low-competion niche and got creamed with a -200….it’s taken me 3 months to get it back to 50 when it should be 4-8. Caffeine has changed the game. Use the tool.
What a great website,the information on the topic is relevant and very on point. Navigating the site was real easy and I will bookmark your page for future visits.
I’ve removed your text link and looked up the Whois info, surprised to see you’re an actual plumber –
for what its’ worth Shawn, these sorts of comments are frowned upon…
ShawnZ’ Plumbing
PO Box 341
Gresham, Oregon 97030
United States
Created on: 24-Jul-10
Expires on: 24-Jul-12
Last Updated on: 24-Jul-10
Administrative Contact:
zangerle, shawn
ShawnZ’ Plumbing
PO Box 341
Gresham, Oregon 97030
United States
(503) 492-1011 Fax — (503) 492-7300
I have anouther idea for this useful tool. It can be used create domain names by adding prefixes and suffixes to the main keyword. You can then see if they are available.