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I’ve returned the Samsung i730

15 days came yesterday, and I just couldn’t stand it anymore and returned it. I got the newest Treo 650 (with camera and movie function) and have returned the buggy, non-cooperative monster. There are just too many little things wrong that all add up to a...

Samsung I730 Day 2

I was having a lot of trouble placing the phone in the cradle. It just didn’t seem to want to go, and I was afraid of bending pins etc. I thought this was going to be a dealbreaker, but now I’ve figured out that it’s not actually a difficult...

Samsung I730

Well after narrowing my search down to two “close to perfect” phones I had settled on the Palm Treo 650. The other choice was the Audiovox 6600. I’ve had two months to look, since my contract was coming up with Verizon, so I’d done my research....